Here I am crying in public as I write, yet again… 🥺😂
/Here I am crying in public as I write, yet again… 🥺😂
I haven’t done this in a while, actually. I haven’t given myself the space to cry, to really feel, to just sit in it.
In the good, the bad, the happy and the sad. I tend to just push through, to make my life so busy that I avoid the tears until I literally can’t keep them in any more. And then here I am in a coffee shop writing with tears running down my face yet again! It's not a healthy habit to have, I know, I'm working on it, babe.
Life has been so full lately, full of so many great things but not a lot of time to just sit and be. Not a lot of time to sit in the sad or to sit in the happy… just a lot of “you gotta keep moving, Rach”
I'm good at moving, I know how to just keep pushing, to load up my schedule with so many things… so much so that the just sitting still makes me a little uncomfortable, actually. I know how to do busy… just sitting and being, not so much.
Maybe you are a lot like me and it's hard to slow down, when you slow down your mind starts going a million miles a minute. You start to feel all the things and are not so sure what to do with all of those things, it's almost easier to just get busy again lol I realize how ridiculous that sounds but I know you struggle with this too.
Sitting in and feeling the feelings is hard, it's hurtful, it brings tears sometimes…BUT, it can also bring so much clarity. It can recenter you on who and what is most important. Those tears that seem to come at the oh, most inconvenient times are like a cleansing rain.
Don’t run from the tears, they don’t make you weak…they make you courageous for allowing yourself to feel. If you are anything like me they bring freedom, they bring forgiveness, they bring wholeness and clarity. It's like Jesus is saying through my tears, just release it. Let it go.
Sometimes the only way for you to get through it is to sit in it. Friend, let's learn to sit in it well together!